Monday, September 6, 2010

And we'll have our own show on USA...

  So the mom of some of my really good friends is going back to school to study forensics. Since I work with her most school days in the elementary library we get to talk about this stuff a lot. For a really long time I wanted to go into forensics, the top choice being a...detective-y person (I don't know what the official title is. You know, the ones that work with the cops to solve crimes involving dead people?). This fantasy kind of ended when I realized how much science would be involved, but hey, maybe this year I'll discover that I actually LOVE chemistry.
  You see, I've always had this (somewhat un-ladylike) fascination with death. No, not as in the gothic, creepy, "deeeeeaaaathh" fascination, but as in I wanted to be an archaeologist just so I could touch mummies and my favorite part of studying the Middle Ages was learning about the Black Death.
  Anyways, my library buddy and I decided that we would have our own forensic-detectives team.  We'll solve mysteries and fight crime and be JUST like those TV shows, right? :D

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