Monday, September 6, 2010


  So, the first week of school was actually pretty darn good. I LOVE my core teacher, my family science class is AMAZING so far, we are doing one of my all-time favorite plays in drama class (Fiddler on the Roof), and for one period a day I get to work in the little kids' library down in the elementary hallway ( so far it's just been organizational stuff, but soon I'm going to learn how to check books out to the kids). The only problems are pre-calculus and chemistry. It's only the first week (which means review from the past two years) and I already have at least an hour of math homework every night. And while I am actually excited about science fair (because I get to do it with one of my best buds again this year) it's the whole, you know, science thing that I don't love as much.
  You see, I'm pretty severely right brained. Random, subjective, intuitive (okay, so maybe not so intuitive), looking at wholes rather than parts: pretty much me in a nutshell. It takes quite a bit of effort for me to be analytical or logical (dang it! not Vulcan after all...) With some effort I can do math and science and those things, but they come a LOT less easily.
   Well, enough complaining. Happy Labor Day everybody!

Thanks for reading, you are incredibly wonderful. :D

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