Sunday, October 17, 2010

My new favorite movie/musical

So this weekend, while staying with my aunt and uncle, I watched The Phantom of the Opera (the one with Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum) for the first time. All I can say is that I love, love, LOVE it. I would definitely not recommend it for young audiences because it deals with some...suggestive topics but the story, the music, the cast *cough cough Gerard Butler cough cough* : it all makes for one AMAZING film (and I would give up a limb if I could go see it live on Broadway).
One of my favorite scenes is towards the end where Christine, traumatized because she's the object of the Phantom's creepy, obsessive love, goes to visit her father's grave. The song she sings in the cemetery ("Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again") is BEAUTIFUL and the "Angel of Music" reprise right after that she sings with the Phantom (thinking he's her father's spirit?) sends chills up and down my spine (or maybe that was just the sofa's built in spine-chilling mechanism...hmmm...)
I do wonder, though, what the next step in the Phantom's plan was, because if Christine's boyfriend hadn't shown up she would have gone into the crypt and realized he wasn't her dearly departed daddy. What would he say? "Ummm....SURPRISE! I'm not your dad, but how do you feel about coming to live under the opera house with me for fooorrreeeevvveeer? You, me, and that creepy lifelike doll/replica of  you that I keep right by my bed could be one big, happy family!" Hehe maybe he should stick to "Christine *wheeze wheeze* I am not your father *wheeze wheeze*." :D
The movie nearly made me bawl my eyes out, though, because the Phantom's story made me so sad! I can't imagine watching anyone treat a little boy like that, that one little scene in the movie made me feel physically sick :( And he was so sad... Christine made him really happy, he was just bonkers because of the abuse he suffered as a child and didn't know how to handle the happiness...
Okay, I'll stop now and just post a couple videos. Thanks for reading!

Here's that song I love:

And here is the ridiculously sad almost-final scene:

P.S. -- Mmm-hmm, yeah. And he's Scottish too.

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