Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The List

First off, I must acknowledge that I got the idea to do this post from my dear friend Kaylla. She posted basically the same thing just a couple days ago and since she always gives me shout-outs on her blog I figured it was time to return the favor. 
 So I don't know about you, but I know that ever since I was a little girl I have, both on my own and in countless Young Women's lessons, made list after list of qualities I want require my future husband to have. 
Sure, some things have changed as I've gotten older. I no longer demand that he be European royalty (No complaints, though) or be a young, LDS (but every bit just as Australian) clone of Hugh Jackman (and once again, no complaints if it does end up that way). Some things, though, have stayed pretty much the same since I was 6 years old -- 
1. He has to be a returned missionary 
2. and honor his Priesthood. 
3. He has to be worthy to take me to the temple, 
4. and he has to have all the same standards as me. 
5. He will treat me like the princess that both I and my Heavenly Father know I am. 
6. He will love liberty and fight to defend it. 
7. He'll be great with kids and want as many as I do -- at least 6.
8. He'll be smart and well-read.
9. He'll have a great sense of humor and always be able to make me laugh but also know when to be serious.
10. Oh, and he'll be a total HOTTIE. :P Maybe I will require Hugh Jackman II..... :D 

As always, thanks for reading. 

P.S. This is from what looks to be an AMAZING documentary about the oldest living Holocaust survivor. She is such a sweet lady and her laugh is contagious. I can't find an embeddable copy, so here's the link:

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