Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Birthday! :D And a Song from Dumbo

Okay, wow, it's been FOREVER since I last updated. Sorry about that.
A lot of things have happened, but the most exciting (in my mind, at least) was my sixteenth birthday. I didn't have a big party or anything, just some family stuff and then I went to the Incredible Pizza Company with some of my good friends. I got some great presents -- some CDs I'd been asking for, a necklace from my grandparents, AWESOME shoes, you get the picture. But I have to say, one of the best presents I think I've ever gotten in my entire life has to be the boyfriend that my friends Lilly and McKaylla got for me. Yes, a boyfriend. You see, my friends are very much aware of my longtime crush on singer Josh Groban. And, being the wonderful friends that they are, they decided that they would get him for me. Wait, I'll post a picture...
Yep, that's him. :D You see, they got a Ken doll and just taped Josh's face on the box. He doesn't talk much (or sing, unfortunately), but it's the thought that counts, right?

On another, no less happy note, I have discovered that I LOVE the lullaby from Dumbo. I am going to post it so you all can share in the joy.


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