Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mi canción favorita

Well, one of them. So most everyone out there has probably heard "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban. It's a beautiful, inspiring song by an incredibly talented man. But there is a Spanish version (by Il Divo) that I also really really love called "Por ti seré". It's only one verse and then a much repeated chorus, but the lyrics --while not an exact translation of the English version-- are amazing (in my possibly slightly biased opinion).

(Sorry, the only video I could get an embed code for was this one -- random pictures of members of Il Divo, the group that sings it :P)

I'll try to roughly translate the lyrics here for you because Google Translate doesn't like me very much right now. Sorry about my not-so-fantastic Spanish. :) It doesn't always make exact sense because it's a translation, but you'll get the picture

Cuando me vi desnudo y sin aliento
When you saw me naked and breathless
("naked" in this case implying vulnerability--not a nudist on the loose)

Arando un mar desierto y sin amor
Laboring through a desert sea without love
Cuando pensé que mi alma había muerto
When I thought that my soul had died
llegaste tú como la luz del sol
You came to me like the sunlight

Por ti seré más fuerte que el destino
For you I will be stronger than fate
Por ti seré tu héroe ante el dolor
For you I will be a hero against the pain
Yo sin ti estaba tan perdido
Without you I was so lost
Por tí seré mejor de lo que soy
For you I will be better than I am
And just for kicks, here is the beautiful English version by Josh Groban.


  1. Beautiful :) I LOVE Il Divo (ever heard Hallelujah? or Regresa a mi? those are my favorites) sigh . . . Carlos is so cute . . . haha!

  2. :) I have heard "Regresa a Mi" and I LOVE it, but I haven't heard "Hallelujah" yet. I'll have to look that one up.
    Haha So you like the 40 year old Spanish men, Kaylla? (In this case I guess it's understandable :P I can't disagree with you on this one)

  3. actually it's Sebastian that I think is really cute and has the best voice - I thought Carlos was his name . . . haha woops :) and he's only haha 37 . . .oh and that password thing came up again - that's why I'm "anonymous" because for some reason I don't know my password for this thingy :) sorry

  4. I remember when we first heard it in the first year of Spanish :) Ahh. Good times, good times...

  5. Hmm, correction now that I've actually learned my conjugations:
    It's "when I saw myself" not "when you saw me" in that first line.


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