Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Most Wonderful Subject in the ENTIRE WORLD!

Which is ME! Try to contain yourself, please. I know you're excited, but let's attempt to keep the gushing to a minimum.
Since I'm starting this new blog and all I figured it's a great opportunity to talk about myself, which reallly never gets old. Yeah, I know, you could just click the little "About Me" link in the corner and poof there's a not-so-complete list of my favorite books, movies and music. But where's the fun in that? No, instead I will tell you all of the random, unimportant facts about myself that you never really wanted to know. (Well, maybe not all. 10 random things sounds good.) Here goes nothing.

1. I am hopelessy geeky about all things science fiction. I was raised on Star Wars and the original Stargate movie, I am a sucker for anything Star Trek (I'm a Next Gen kinda gal myself), and, of course, my all-time favorite show that I've been addicted to for the past three and a half years...Doctor Who! (Ten FOREVER)

2.I used to be rather good at playing the piano. (Key phrase being "used to be"). Thing is, I haven't taken lessons in several years and teaching myself is harder than one might think, but I'm trying. Hey, I even have the first page of "Fearless" down pat.

3. My favorite color is blue. My least favorite color is pink. No, just kidding, my least favorite color is mauve. It's like a wannabe pink that's trying to be purple but ends up being mostly gray. Yup, definitely don't like mauve.

4. I really honestly dislike the Twilight series. Quite a lot. I'm sorry, but those books are just stupid. They're about a 17 year old girl who really makes some of the most unintelligent decisions possible, lies to her family and friends, and runs off with a 100+ year old vampire because he supposedly "loves" her. Yeah, right. I didn't even make it through the first book.

5.I cannot for the life of me do a figure8 in reverse. It's impossible, I'm not kidding. Any guesses as to who'll be failing driver's ed range tomorrow?

6. If I ever do decide to try my hand at a life of crime, it'll be with the shameless hope of meeting myself a Neal Caffrey. I'm sorry but it's true. Not sure what's up with his pants being rolled up in this picture, but don't let it fool you. As far as bank robbers, con men and art forgers go, he's not bad. Not bad at all. See, this is what I really don't get about Twilight. Why fall for a pale sparkly vampire who perpetually looks like he's wearing lipstick of some sort, when there's a charming white-collar-criminal-turned-FBI-consultant with the most amazing blue eyes out there? It just doesn't fit...

7. I am a hopeless romantic. I love a good love story, real-life or good fiction. Not the raunchy, immoral stuff that Hollywood seems intent on making these days, but the beautiful, true love kind of thing i.e. Letters to Juliet, Love Comes Softly and Love's Enduring Promise(the books or the movies, I'm not too picky), Elizabeth and Darcy, Margaret and Thornton. What can I say? For all my boys-have-cooties talk (and trust me, there's a lot of that), I love me some love. :)

8. Gerald Lund is the best author EVER. The Alliance, Fire of the Covenant, The Kingdom and the Crown series. He writes the most amazing gospel-related historical fiction, intense thrillers, the occasional science fiction, and some darn good romance side-plots to boot.

9. I love a good bubble bath. I don't know why you need to know this, but you do. A nice, warm, relaxing bubble bath makes even a figure8 in reverse seem feasible. Every girl needs to know the joy that can come from scented suds and a good book by candelight.

10. and ten...I'm horrible at blogging. I may go months without posting, and then do two a day for a few weeks. Just don't expect the updates to be regular.

Well, I'd better sign out. Time to go do something much less productive than this. If you made it this far, thanks for sticking it out through my ramblings. You rock. I'll try to cut down on the randomness next time.

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