Wednesday, July 14, 2010

To Start...

    I have a confession to make. Don't worry, it's nothing awful. I haven't killed anyone and I have yet to rob a bank. No, it's just that this summer I have...dare I say it?...SLACKED OFF! There, it's out. I, who never, ever, ever procrastinate ever, (if you can't sense the sarcasm in those words, I'm not sure if there's any hope for you) have oficially taken it to a new level. I am now, as my grandfather would lovingly say, a lazy bum.
And since I can't drive myself anywhere, I've read all the interesting books we own, and my back currently isn't agreeing with Dad's suggestion that I mow the lawn, I figured the next best things were either (a. finally get around to robbing that bank or (b. start a blog. Being the lazy bum that I now apparently am I decided that sitting at my laptop would take less exertion than all the work involved with bank robbing (I'm starting slow, okay?) Plus there's, you know, the whole prison aspect of things...
    Anyways, here's to me trying to do something semi-productive. Let's hope it lasts. :P

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