Monday, April 18, 2011

New Blog

Okay guys, I did it. I reached over 30 whole posts before I created a new blog. That's actually a record for me.
But, I finally got tired of this background and URL and...everything. So I set up a new one. With my favorite posts from this one copied over. I won't delete this blog or anything, I just won't be updating it.
So, check out (and follow!) my NEW incredible musings, all the way over at I Have a Voice.
If that link doesn't work, comment and let me know.
Love you all! Bye. :)


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Wonderful IM Chat between Lilly and I

Lilly: (Quoting something) "The knight in shining armor can sometimes be just a guy wrapped in tin foil."

Me: Why would a guy be wrapped in tin foil? What does he think he is, a campfire dinner?

Lilly: No, no, no. it probably is because he wants to appear to a girl, from a distance, that he is a knight in shining armor.

Me: So what’s he gonna do when it’s no longer ‘from a distance’? “Uhh, surprise! I was too cheap for armor, but we can reuse this foil to cover our leftover lasagna! I’m being frugal!!!!”

Lilly: Hey! You may never know, the girl could like a frugal guy! Or if she doesn’t like his appearance, it’s his bad luck…..

Me: Frugal, yeah. Wrapped in tin foil?? Probably not.
He’ll be eating that lasagna all by himself.

Lilly: Hey I think it would be kind of cute if the guy went through all that work to wrap himself in tin foil to appear as my knight in shinning armor….but then again if it was a guy I did not know then I would think there is something wrong with him

Me: I would rather he just act like a knight in shining armor. He could be a knight temporarily without armor. A knight in shining tinfoil is just…no.

Lilly: Okay, yeah. Maybe your right. I think I would like a guy who acted like a knight more than a guy in tin foil, but….it would be hilarious to see a guy in tin foil and take pics of him and then post them on the internet and label him as the oddest man ever!

Me: That’s true. Mock him (over ice cream) with your friends at sleepover.

Lilly: Yeah I like that! and maybe if we are hyper enough we would wrap ourselves in tin foil!! Haha. We would have to be really hyper (and rich, to buy all that tin foil) to do all that.

Me: We need to have a sleepover soon…

The moral of the story, guys, is that while we don't require you to literally be a knight in shining armor, we do prefer that you act like one. And be frugal.

P.S. The sleepover is planned for this Friday

Monday, March 21, 2011


I have come up with a wonderful plan so that I never again am at a total loss about what to post. 
I am going to write an incredibly exciting story. I will write and post it in installments, whenever I don't know what else to write about, and that's how you'll know that I am in desperate need of a superior blog topic. It will be wonderful, I can tell.
But first I need a topic...and a main character...and a setting... Post your suggestions in the comments!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Calculators, Earrings and Sneaky

I asked my friend for a topic to post about and she said "calculators". I guess it's probably because she was doing her math homework right then, but still... What am I supposed to say about calculators?
So I asked her for option B which was "earrings". Once again, what am I supposed to say about that?
Her final suggestion was "Sneaky" which is the code name for a boy we go to school with, who my friends have randomly decided is the man of my dreams (notice that I don't get any say in the matter). There is actually quite a bit I could say about that topic, but I'm not going to. I refuse. :D

So here I am, topic-less and alone (alone as long as my friends don't get their way, that is). I need some ideas or inspiration. Help?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

5 Things to Do When Bronchitis Has You in Its Clutches...

For the past two weeks I have been trapped in my home, forced to wallow in the knee-deep piles of cough drop wrappers and Germ-X bottles that litter my bedroom floor, shut off from the world to the point that even school seemed a welcome reprieve from the germy boredom that has overtaken my life (unfortunately, the whole "school seems like a good idea" thing died as soon as math class started this morning). Who or what do I blame for this sad, sad fate? BRONCHITIS
This accursed inflammation of the main air passages to the lungs not only gives you a heinous cough that interferes with even the most basic, necessary things like, oh I dunno, SLEEPING, it also is contagious enough that you can't spend any time with your friends for the 3-6 weeks that it lasts, and your physician father forces you to wear a medical mask (like the one pictured above) any time you leave your room.
So what, you might ask, does one do to stay sane when held in the clutches of such an abominable illness? The answer is this: nothing. There is nothing you can do to stay sane -- it's just impossible. There are, however, a few things you can do to postpone the total mental/emotional breakdown that must eventually hit.

These are my personal favorites:
  1. Sleep. Really, I think that one is pretty self-explanatory. When the coughing keeps you awake, medicate yourself. Look for the cough syrups that say "may cause drowsiness" and then take as much as you can without killing yourself. (Even though death might seem preferable to your current state, is OD-ing on cold medication really the way you want to go?) Once you finally emerge from your sweet, medically-induced slumber, move on to things 2, 3, 4 and 5.
  2. Watch *insert TV show title of choice here* reruns until your eyes fall out. My *TV show title(s) of choice* are Pushing Daisies and Chuck. Anything silly, fun and slightly weird that doesn't involve too much thought on your part. If you're particularly medicated, though, you might be able to throw in a little Primeval or Heroes, just to shake things up.
  3. Eat anything and everything in sight. Make 16 servings of your comfort food and then label the container "Poison" so no one else touches it. 
  4. Listen to music. Once your favorite radio stations start repeating themselves, admit defeat and go to your dad for music suggestions. No matter how strange the 80's may have been, the music was pretty good. And really, anything's better than listening to nothing but the not-so-dulcet din caused by your own hacking (up a lung, that is). Or, if you're really lucky, you'll discover that a band you sort of like did a cover of a song you sort of like -- and the result is a sound that caresses your ears and sooths you like a shoulder rub to your soul. Yep, I'm talking about this one:

5. And five, if you ever start to sink into a deep despair because you are feeling sorry for yourself and your admittedly pitiable condition, ask your friends for a pep talk. Because if your friends are half the friends that my friends are, you will get wonderful, comforting, heartfelt messages like this:
  "Oh, you have a cold? You can GET OVER IT."
Yep. My best friend actually gave me that note. Feelin' the  love, Not Cosmo -- reeeaaally feelin' it.

I hope, but don't expect, that you have found this blog post helpful, that you will take it to heart, and that it will come to your relief the next time you suffer from acute bronchitis.


Sunday, February 6, 2011


Okay, so there is this blogging site called Tumblr that I was introduced to by a friend. It seems pretty cool so I set up an account. That doesn't mean that this blog is toast, just that I might not post on it for a while...and that it might be toast in the future...We'll see. Maybe I can find a way to link the two of them or something and then take turns posting on both...
Anyways, just letting you guys know. Here's the link:
If that doesn't work, here's just the plain URL to copy and paste:

I love you all!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Not So Girly Post

Here it is, as promised: the post full of non-girly things. We'll start with a list of non-girly things that are on my mind right now.
  1. I have decided that I want to join the Peace Corps after I get my bachelor's degree
  2. I have re-discovered my love for One Republic, especially "Stop and Stare"
  3. I adore the casting for The Hobbit film
  4. I have made a slightly late New Year's resolution to start reading comic books (mostly so my dad will take me to Comic-Con). Methinks I'll start with DC...Justice League, here I come
  5. Today I made my best horchata so far
Now, a couple of non-girly pictures:

And to finish it all off, a video about Spock from the 2009 Star Trek movie. Set to a non-girly song, no less.

A very geeky me

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Girl Party and TV Couple Ships

I realized I've only really been writing girly sappy posts for a while, so I'm gonna get all the rest of it out right now so I can go back to writing about National Geographic and science fiction. If girly things offend you (pointed look at Kaytlyn), then just skip this post and wait for something more...masculine?
Girly AND true!
I am currently sitting on the bathroom floor while my future-cosmetologist sister attempts to crimp my hair (my "dang crap hair" as she puts it. you know, if that's what she says to her customers, I don't think she'll do so well in the business. she yanks ears and hits, too.) We do this sometimes (not the dang crap thing, the hanging out thing) and she tries to convince me that I don't have to be a slob all the time. I allow her to think she's succeeding just because I like not having to fix my own hair.
It's funny, really, because with my friends I am one of the girliest but with my sister I am manly, unfashionable, and all-around geeky. A slobby slob, as opposed to a sappy sap. Ah, well. No way to win, I guess.
So here is a list of the most girly things about me. The things my friends (except Kaylla) make fun of me for. Here goes:
  1. I LOVE a good chick-flick now and again. Not the gross raunchy "romantic comedies" but the ones like Letters to Juliet or The Notebook (censored, of course) or Tangled. I hold Disney and Jane Austen fully responsible for my "ridiculously high" standards when it comes to guys.
  2. Flowers. I think if a guy got me flowers I'd be hard-pressed to not like him, at least a little. (That doesn't mean there aren't exceptions. You know who they are.)
  3. I shamelessly ship TV couples. That means from episode 2 I've decided who ends up with who, and if the writers of the show do it differently than I want...beware, Lilly. Us shippers (me and middle-aged women across America) even have nicknames for these couples. Caskett, Rayne, Pyka, Charah... Yeah, a whole new kind of geeky you didn't even want to know about.
  4. I love this song:

5. I like smelling like sugar cookies. Yes, you needed to know that.

Okay, the end. Expect the next post to be full of Sherlock Homes, mummies, country music, and how stinkin' EXCITED  I am for Andrew Garfield to be Spiderman.
Love you all,
 - Me