Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dreams (yes, dreams): the sequel

So my last post about dreams didn't cover everything that I wanted to cover about dream meanings, plus I kind of said I would post one of my epic-dreams. Why not kill two birds with one stone? I'll summarize one of my dreams and then interpret it using a dream dictionary I found online. :P I mean, it's got to be correct. Everything on the internet is always true, right?
Just for fun I'll pick a dream from my childhood. We can see what inner turmoil I unknowingly had as a child that came through in my dreams.
Okay, so he has both eyes in this pic.
But the fangs are scary, right?

This is a dream that I had one night while I was at a sleepover with my cousin. I was probably about eight years old. The only reason I remember it so well nearly eight years later is probably that I've retold it and written it down so many times. There'e a monster in it that looked (I'm almost ashamed to admit) like a 50 foot tall Elmo, but with only one eye and fangs. (I was 8, okay?) I'm not saying this dream will make lots of sense, but it is one of my favorites because it was pretty darn realistic....you know, for a dream that features a muppet as the villain.

My family and I (at this point I just had two sisters and a baby brother, the other three were yet to be born) were staying at this resort place with an AWESOME waterpark (that somehow connected to the ocean but wasn't salty? I'm not sure...). While we were there I made friends with this boy who was about my age. We were best friends, despite the fact that his name was Ashley (actually, I think it is a boy name in Britain or something)  :D We would hang out at the waterpark every day and he would write in this yellow notebook (he wanted to be a writer someday) and I would play with these fish things that lived in a mini cave thing under the water slide and we would talk.
Then one day I was getting ready to go over to the waterpark when the ground started shaking. I ran outside to see what was going on and I saw the giant, terrifying, aformentioned monster. One of the screaming bystanders told me as she ran by that he had come for his annual meal. You see, the resort manager had a deal with the monster: as long as once a year he was fed one of the residents, he wouldn't crush the resort. (What I don't get is how he managed to stay in business once word of this got around)
My parents found me and the other kids and we all went and hid in a small white room until the roaring and screaming and ground-shaking stopped. When we finally went outside everything looked the same (meaning that Elmo got his snack), but I knew something was wrong. I looked around for Ashley, but I couldn't find him. I thought maybe he went to check on our fish, so I ran to the water park. The fish were all dead  (which really crushed me) and all I could find were ripped up pieces of his yellow notebook. Needless to say I was very upset and assumed the worst and cried all day. The next day, however, I had just finished giving my deceased pets a proper burial when I looked up and there was Ashley! He had indeed been kidnapped by the monster, but they had become best friends and he had been realeased and Elmo promised to find his meals elsewhere from then on. The end.

Now for the interpretation :D

The colors in my dream:
Red- is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage, impulsiveness and anger.
Yellow- has both positive and negative connotations. If the dream is a pleasant one, then the color yellow is symbolic of intellect, energy, agility, happiness, harmony, and wisdom. On the other hand, if the dream is an unpleasant one, then the color represents deceit, disgrace, betrayal, cowardice and sickness.
White- represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, dignity, cleanliness, awareness, and new beginnings.

The people:
My family: To see your own family in your dream, represents security, warmth and love.
Ashley: dreaming of a friend indicates positive news
Elmo: To dream that you are chased or followed by a monster means that you may possess some fears or some repressed emotions.

The place:
(I couldn't find waterpark, so amusement park will have to do)
To see or be in an amusement park in your dream, indicates that you need to set some time for leisure and more enjoyment in your life.

Wow, I was one conflicted eight year old. Although some of this does make sense. This was right around the time when we moved from Florida to Missouri. So the anger, betrayal, repressed emotions, new beginnings, etc. actually kind of fit.

Anyways, now you know what I dreamed about as a child. My dreams these days do make a bit more sense, but are no less intense. (hehe, I rhymed)
Thanks for reading.


  1. I'd love to read more of your dreams and the interpretations. That was REALLY fun to read :D thanks Kel!

  2. Thanks! :D
    I love talking about my dreams, but some people think it's really weird. haha
    Glad you enjoyed it.


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